Health, Safety, Environment

Health and safety of the staff as well as environmental considerations are of the prime importance in KPE’s priority list during project execution. Being equipped with the latest managerial systems in this field and deploying a safety culture have been set as a priority in the company’s executive plans, especially with the operational projects being founded in KPE’s business portfolio. KPE’s
management team strongly believes in company’s social responsibility and sustainable development and has steadily put efforts to implement them in the company’s ongoing activities.

KPE’s performance based on indices of the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP); 2012-2017

Lost-Time Frequency Rate (LTFR)0.4
Lost-time Severity Rate (LTSR)7.9
Total Recordable Incident Rate (TRIR)3.4
Fatal Accident Rate (FAR)0
Ratio of Lost Working Days to the Number of Lost Working 20
Day Cases (LWD/LWDC)